Tuesday, August 9, 2011

It Has Arrived!

It's been a while since I stopped on my way to Afton to photograph a sunrise. This one was worth the stop however. The sun was hiding behind what looks like an exploding cloud. Very pretty and very majestic!!

We had one of the slowest mornings ever at the Station. By 1 p.m. we'd seen no visitors whatsoever. Odd, since the 100+ temps have calmed down little and the morning was actually beautiful. Phil was with me today and we had a good chance to talk and get to know each other better. He's such a valuable volunteer.

At around 1 p.m. some people started to arrive. Here are two fine looking young men from Italy who are cruising all of Route 66. There were also visitors from Salina KS, Jay OK, and Chicago IL. Phil volunteered to stay another hour or two after I left at 3 p.m. He just called to say that he greeted several other folks after I left, including some more Italian folks. The Italians have been out in full force the last week or so. It's nice to know that Route 66 is becoming very popular in that fine country!

Last week I hinted that I was awaiting delivery of something very special which was large and being sent by a shipping company. Today, it arrived at David's house (where, for convenience, I had it sent) and he brought it over to the Station.

Steve Rider, my friend and fellow postcard collector, has sent me this treasure -- an 8' x 4' mural hand painted by Bob Waldmire!! It was once part of George Rook's collection, and Steve obtained it from a collector in Connecticut. It's a big and beautiful and, of course, extraordinary map of Route 66 complete with all the little touches that make it a true Waldmire. I am so, so thrilled by this and I can't thank Steve enough.

We removed the box but have left on the bubble wrap until we can affix it to a wall. But first we have to find a perfect place for it, on a wall that's big enough to contain it and where visitors can see it and photograph it with ease. However, I couldn't resist snapping a photo of it with the bubble wrap still on it. So, here's a peek , although it does it no justice. As soon as we unwrap it, I'll post much better pictures.


  1. That's some gift, Laurel! To be trusted with a true Route 66 treasure must be a thrill. Without a doubt it's a sign of the high regard in which you and Afton Station are held.

  2. I can hardly wait to see this without bubble wrap.

  3. Did Steve give you any indication when Bob painted this?

  4. I was honored when I viewed Bob's painting at Steve's Route 66 shrine before it took off out west to your museum. I will be coming your way sometime soon to see it set in its proper setting.

    Here, check out my blog at this link


  5. It has arrived!!

    Probably just like waiting for a secret society decoder pin??
