What is my day at Afton Station really like? Some of you might enjoy a chronicle of a "typical" day (although no days are really typical!). Others will think this is "booorrrr-ing". That's ok, too. Just move on to another blog, because I'm going to go ahead and attempt this. Here we go, minute by minute. . .
8:55 -- Arrive at Afton Station
9:00 -- Kids from Cleora Middle School come in and ask me to contribute to their yearbook fund by buying an ad. I did.
9:20 -- Put out flags, open back showrooms, check figures from yesterday
9:45 -- Call from daughter Sarah. She made it home to Chicago just fine (albeit a bit late) yesterday.
9:55 -- Rehung pictures in restroom which were displaced when Marly installed the new cabinet in there. Cabinet is a really great addition to the bathroom.
10:00 -- Turned on A/C. Tried to do without it today, but it got way too hot and stuffy.
10:20 -- Wrote some checks for purchases.
10:30 -- Start to read morning newspaper. Phil arrives to see if he can help. I said yes, of course.
10:35 -- Man from Pryor, OK arrives on a bicycle. He said he drives his car to a different small town every time he has a day off, then bikes around the town. Neat idea!
11:00 -- Friend Jon Edwards arrives to retrieve some information he forgot when he was in Afton on Tuesday. Nice to see him again.
11:30 -- Betty Wheatley arrives to visit for the morning
11:40 -- The couple below, from Barcelona Spain, arrives. Here's the great story of the day: All of us on our Route 66 Yahoo email list were asked yesterday by fellow shop owner, Rich Henry of Henry's Rabbit Ranch on Route 66 in Illinois, to look for a young couple from Spain driving a white SUV. Rich had accidentally shortchanged them by $10 when they visited his place, so he sent out the online alert and asked if any other shopkeepers met them along the way, would we please give them a $10 bill, and he would reimburse us later. Welllllll..... 4 Women on the Route up in Galena, KS was visited by them late yesterday and gave them the $10. But when they came in here, I immediately asked them if they were the people who were owed $10. They laughed and laughed. Seems that every place they'd stopped since yesterday morning were wanting to give them the money! Because of the language barrier, they didn't quite understand why this was happening, but they concluded that Route 66 people are the nicest and most honest people in the world! What a nice human interest story, and what a great thing Rich Henry did by making sure the young Spaniards wouldn't be cheated in Route 66, even if unintentionally.
12:00 -- Two handsome young men, one from Milano, Italy and one from Strassbourg, France, traveling together, arrive.
12:30 - 2:30 (approx.) -- Various visitors from Fort Cortez CO, Ripley OK, and Quebec City, Canada. The three Quebec folks were on motorcycles and intended to travel the full length of Route 66. When there were no guests, Phil and I chat about this and that. Phil gives tours of the car showrooms.
2:30 -- Called the Mayor of Afton to talk about details of the upcoming Clean Up Route 66 Day.
2:45 -- I finally get around to eating two crackers and some dip.
3:00 -- Phil decides to stay late to see if any more visitors come. I head for home.
4:35 -- I arrive home to Tulsa and start working on this blog post.
There you have it. Hope you enjoyed my day.
Hi! We are Cristina and Reimon, the couple from Spain!! An incredible history and a good photo :) Thanks for everything! People in route 66 is the best!! Have you seen our blog? Kisses!!!! (If you have the mail of henry please, send us, we would like to talk to him and say: THANK YOU!!)
Hello Cristina and Reimon! It was great to meet you yesterday, and I hope you have a wonderful, successful Route 66 trip. Rich Henry's email address is: route66@midwest.net and I'm sure he'd like to hear from you. I hope you'll return to Route 66 some day in the future. Yes, I do love your blog!
How do we find Cristina and Reimon's blog, please?
Thanks for the glimpse at a day at the Station. Interesting. I think that the Internet's made voyeur of us all!
Their blog is at: http://cruta66.blogspot.com/. It's in Spanish, but the photos are great and there's always Google Translator! LOL!
Thank U!!!! Kisses from Tucumcari :)
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