Saturday, July 16, 2011

Special Day

Before I say anything else, I want to give a special nod to my volunteer Ron "Tattoo Man" Jones. We've looked out the window of theStation for weeks now watching the weeds grow along the side of the road across the street in front of the old Palmer Hotel. In previous years they were cut, but this year they've gotten out of hand. Tattoo took it upon himself to buy a flat bladed spade and, in this terrible heat, dig them out. He attempted to finish the job today, but the heat was just too much for him. We at Afton Station are concerned about the appearance of the town and want to do our part to beautify it. We hope the town will follow suit. In the meantime, we'll continue to make sure that Afton Station and the surrounding land will look as good as possible. Thanks so much, Tattoo!!

It was a special day today because our friend Joe Meeks rode up to Afton with Ron M. and me and spent the day with us. We had a busy day, so I think we managed to keep him entertained.

Our visitors today numbered 34, and they came from the following places: Joplin MO, Apenzell Switzerland, McMinville OR, Wichita KS, Tuscon AZ, St. Joe AR, and Broken Arrow, Adair, Norman, Grove, Miami, Watts, Valliant, and Tulsa, OK. Although it was too hot for man or beast, all those intrepid folks, some on motorcycles, came to visit. Several of them were prompted by the article in the AAA magazine. Others were participating in a local motorcycle poker run (we weren't an "official" stop, but they stopped nonetheless), and one couple from Tulsa gave me a marvelous DVD they made which tells the story of the history of Tulsa in song and images.

This family from Grove, OK came to celebrate the son's birthday. He's the second from left. He likes old cars, so they felt that Afton Station would be a nice treat for him.

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