Sunday, July 17, 2011

My new hat!

This couple from Brisbane, Australia gave me a really nice hat which (although you can't see it in the picture) bears an Aussie flag. As you can see, I look hideous in hats. Nevertheless, it was a really great gift, and they were very lovely people. And taking a photo of me in a hat didn't cause the camera to explode, for once.

A family from Olten, Switzerland was very interested in the car museum. The little boy got the chance to sit in the DeSoto and he was quite thrilled. I think his dad was, too.

The three little girls in this family from Commerce, Texas were fascinated and excited about the squashed penny machine. I'm afraid Mom was completely devoid of small change once the girls got hold of her billfold! While the girls crowded around the penny machine, Dad was in the car showroom examining the collection.

We had our first visitors from Dubai, United Arab Emirates! Mom, Dad, and little girl are in the States for a vacation. They are Americans who have had the good fortune to experience years of foreign living courtesy of the dad, whose job has required them to live in a number of exotic places.

A couple from Roanoke, Indiana was on the way to the national Hudson convention, which is being held in Oklahoma City this week. They were pulling an enclosed trailer holding a '36 Hudson which I'm sure is an amazing specimen.

Frequent visitor P.J. from Miami, OK stopped in with his wife. Other visitors, 24 in all, came from Grove OK, Paola KS, and Bartlesville, OK.

This Afton cleanup may be catching on. When Ron M. and I arrived in town this morning, we observed someone cleaning the weeds out of the curbside just down the street. Maybe Tattoo's efforts have started something. I'm still lobbying for a town-wide cleanup day in the fall. Keep fingers crossed.

1 comment:

  1. Looks fun! I like how the kids look totally engaged with the cars and other things inside the museum, especially that penny machine! It's good to see kids away from the TV, for a change!
