Sunday, May 15, 2011

People. . . People Who Need People. . .

. . . are the luckiest people in the world. I guess that's why I'm so lucky. I need people, particularly those like several who came to Afton Station today.

Our first two couples were absolutely delightful and their sunny outlooks and enthusiasm for Route 66 brightened our day. These two cute people from Melbourne, Australia are on a 3-month tour of the United States. No wonder they're so happy! I'm jealous! They're traveling all over the country with a camera, mounted on the front of their car, which is taking pictures every 5 seconds. They intend to post the results, time lapse of course, when they arrive back in Australia next month and he promised he'd let me know when it's posted, at which time I'll share with all of you. The couple spent a long time walking around Afton and snapping photos of everything!

Following closely behind was this couple from Denton, TX. They too are taking their time and seeing and doing everything along Route 66. They've enjoyed meeting a lot of the people along the road, and intend to continue slowly enough to make sure they don't miss a thing. I can't tell you how much I like people like these folks. Enthusiasm is contagious, and sometimes I need people like this to make my day.

It wasn't a very busy day today, but we didn't need busy. It was great nonetheless. Later in the day we were visited by a couple from Austin, TX and after that by a couple from Duncan, OK. His father owned the movie theater in Afton many years ago! Naturally, I asked him if he had any photos, and his wife said she'd see what she could find. I've been looking for a photo of the Ritz Theater for a long time. Maybe we'll meet with some success soon.

Betty W. dropped in after church, and Dean "Crazy Legs" Walker also drove down from Baxter Springs, KS to spend part of the afternoon. And of course Ron M. was with me all day. He's such a help at the Station and is great with the visitors, too.

1 comment:

  1. A picture every 5 seconds for 3 months. That'll take up a few gigabytes of memory.

    Sounds like fun, though. Wish I could join them.
