Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Big Honkin' Day


Let me explain.

This being the last day of school, the kids from the elementary grades in Afton all marched down to the new Shaved Ice stand, class by class, to get some celebratory slush. The younger kids came first, then the older ones. This march lasted all day. And since kids will be kids, they were getting their Route 66 kicks by giving the universal sign for "honk your horn" to each and every big rig that went past. So, there was constant, unrelenting truck honking all day. To be honest, I kind of liked it. Finally there was a little youthful activity in nearly-deserted Afton!
The little ones sat on the wall and slurped their slushees.

The big kids coaxed horn honks from every truck (and most cars, too) for hours as they waited for their shaved ice. This is just one class.

Meanwhile, inside Afton Station, quite a bit of chaos was breaking loose as well. We had 22 visitors. David brought 5 ladies from the Grove Newcomers Club and gave them a great tour. Here he is with several of them.
Here are two sisters and one sister-in-law who are taking a fun "sister trip" on Route 66. They're from Somis CA, Dayton OH, and Decatur IL.

Here's another family that delighted me with their knowledge of Route 66 and their enthusiasm. They're from Buffalo, TX. The little boys are homeschooled, and this trip is part of the learning experience. Best learning experience one can get, if you ask me!
Other visitors came from Leesville LA, Coolville, OH (very cool town name!), Grove OK, Langley OK, and we finished up with four motorcycle riders from Woodstock, GA. I was busy all day with barely a moment down time. Just the way I like it!


  1. looks like you had a warm day there, wish we had some of that warmth here in California

  2. Lindsay,

    Glad you'll be coming this way soon. Come for a visit to Afton Station!

  3. Sounds like a great day! (Despite all the noise!)
