The best way to combat a frigid atmosphere is to do some work, so we set about to clean out my "junk" cabinet, a bigger job than it may seem. I have this great antique cabinet that was a catch-all for anything that came into the Station that had no immediate use. But I was sorely in need of a place to put my stock inventory, so while I organized things Ron did the heavy lifting, and we threw away or stored tons of stuff. I should have taken a "before" photo but didn't. Here's the "after". Now I can see what I have, what I need to order, etc. 
We weren't heavy on the visitors today, but we did have a very pleasant family of four stop in. A husband and wife from Grove, Oklahoma were with their two daughters, one who had flown in from Boulder, Colorado and one who had flown in from Asbury, New Jersey, to help their parents make a move. They were taking a little break today for a short Route 66 trip.
There was an odd passer-by today, and I managed to snap a quick photo of him/her. Someone, so bundled up against the cold that it was impossible to tell if it was man or woman, trotted past on a horse, heavily-laden with full saddlebags, thus indicating a long trip and not just an afternoon jaunt. I wish we'd been able to catch the pair before they got away so we could find out where they had come from and where they were going. I recently recall a woman who had announced an upcoming cross-Route 66 trip on horseback, but I believe that's happening this summer. So the mystery remains.
Glad you found a way to remember, even if inspired by a retard :o)
oh, I so want you to know how much I enjoy reading your blogs. You are always on top of the current events, no matter where they happen. I do not know how I got through the day before I knew "that Laurel writes a blog"...
Aw, that's really sweet, Betty! I hope to keep writing for a long time. . . or until I run out of things to say!
Glad to see you finally admit that the Republican party did something to help you.
Next thing you know, you'll start listening to Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham. :)
Trevor -- At least she can do SOMETHING right! :-)
LOL Love your new Palm Pilot!
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