Saturday, May 26, 2012

Ron M. is back!

The best news of this Memorial Day weekend for me is that Ron M. is finally back from his tour of China, Japan, Korea, Russia, Alaska, and Vancouver and came with me to Afton Station today.    He brought me salmon jerky!  Yum!  So great to have you back!

The day started out slowly then the pace picked up close to the time we wanted to close (but then, what else is new?).  As a result, we headed for home a full hour late and now I find myself rushing again to post to the blog. 

Our visitors came from Claremore, Tulsa and Nowata OK, Los Angeles CA, Lawrence KS, Irving TX, and Houston TX.  

My friend Susan made four awesome Route 66 fabric-covered Christmas balls, and no sooner did I put them on our little Christmas tree than a woman came in and bought one!  I think they're going to be a big hit at $12 each, and I hope I can talk Susan into making a few more for me.   Since she reads this blog faithfully, she now knows my  hopes.  :-)
This little girl came in with her parents from Kansas.   It's not unusual for little boys to be enamored of the cars, but this little girl was actually extremely excited to see the vintage vehicles.... until she met Tripper the Penguin and suddenly her attention was diverted as she made a new friend. 
Here's another group of motorcycle riders who stopped in while following the Passport route.  They came in and very much enjoyed what we had to offer inside.   They're from Tulsa, and sure chose a pretty day to wander around the state!
 This one is for Betty.   Her friend Randy (Randi?) Collins and her fiancee came in to see her, but they were disappointed to know that Betty wasn't around today!    Randy is the granddaughter of those wonderful Tiptons, Reuben and Colleen.   I'm so sorry they couldn't connect with Betty at the Station.
Well, that's about all I can coax out of my poor tired typing fingers for tonight.   I'll be back in Afton tomorrow, of course, and hope to have a big bunch of excitement to report then.  Meanwhile, continue to enjoy whatever activities your doing on this holiday weekend!


  1. Message received.

  2. I would love to visit your museum this June. What are your business hours, so I don't catch you on your way out?

  3. We are open from about 9:30 to 3 p.m. Occasionally we can stay open later, but the early close time is due to my 85 mile drive home after we close. I, personally, can only be at the Station on Tues., Thurs., Sat., and Sun., as I require medical treatment in Tulsa the other three days. So, please arrange your visit to Afton Station accordingly. I'd love to meet you, Anonymous! :-)

  4. We really enjoyed our visit to the Afton Station.
    Here is a link to a story about the Packard auction in Lawrence:

    Thank you again for your hospitality.
