Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Visit from a South Korean Starlet

It was one of those insanely busy days at Afton Station today, but my morning started out rather calm and pastoral.  I left the house early, so I had a little time to roam some back roads near Vinita, and it was the last moment of calm I enjoyed for the day.  In the morning haze, I came across this pasture full of cows and an abandoned car overgrown with brush.
 Phil beat me to the Station again, but I was there moments after  he had opened up for me.  It sure makes life easier when I have someone to turn on the lights, put out the flags, etc.  Ron M. often does this for me, too, and it's a great help.  I wanted to get a few things done before an expected visit from a South Korean film crew, but those moments weren't available, as the Korean group's arrival practically coincided with mine.

The group is filming a television series about (what else?) Route 66.   The star of the show is an absolutely adorable young ingenue by the name of Greena Park.  We are told that she is perhaps the most famous young female star in S. Korea, and is best known for action films. It's hard to imagine this tiny lady jumping out of cars, sword fighting, etc., but she told me that she is known for doing her own stunts.  To me, she seemed just a sweet, smiling, beautiful lady.
 I can't say enough good things about this crew.   They were polite, efficient, and very very nice.  Phil started up one of the cars so they could film Greena driving it.
Greena wanted a picture with Marly and Phil.  

 By the time the crew left, I felt I had made some new friends.  Greena hugged us all and even shed a few tears when her crew insisted that they had to get moving because they were due in Amarillo this afternoon.

Just moments after the S. Koreans arrived, our friends Rick and Richard from Cimarron Photos in Oklahoma City stopped in and spent the majority of the day with us.   They will be back on Thursday to do some more work on the video they are making of Afton Station, but today's visit was mostly just a social one so, more about that later in the week. David also stopped by and brought several out-of-town friends to show them the Station.   Today's visitors came from St. Cloud MN, Wilmington NC, Escondido CA, Stanton VA, and Tulsa, Adair, and Afton, OK.

Despite the chaos that often ensues when crews are filming at the Station, it never fails to be a a pleasant and
rewarding experience.  In today's case, not only did we meet some great people, but perhaps being featured in the TV series will bring more South Koreans to the Station in the future!

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