Sunday, April 15, 2012

Meeting Jameson

Clearly, I'm a wimp.  If not, I wouldn't have stayed up almost all night last night fretting over the possibility of tornadoes.  But, I did -- and a tornado never came, thank goodness.  The weather did hit quite a few Oklahoma towns, but Tulsa was spared.   My wimpy behavior left me tired and a little bit irritable today, nothing that meeting a cute baby wouldn't cure.

That's why this was the perfect day for my good friends Pat and Jennifer Bremer from Speedway, IN to come for a visit to Afton Station.  And, they brought with them their very adorable and well-behaved grandson Jameson, whom I've been dying to meet.  You see, I introduced Jennifer and Pat, and that's what started this whole family thing rolling.    I feel very close to what has happened in the Bremer family since I performed my one-and-only successful attempt at matchmaking.   Pat and Jen were in Arcadia OK for the Round Barn Anniversary celebration and stopped in Afton on their way home to Indiana.
 Pat introduces Jameson to Tripper as Jennifer snaps a commemorative photo. 
 But there were plenty of other goings-on at the Station today.  For example, Tattoo Man was in  his element upon meeting this heavily tattoed visitor from Dassel MN, who came to visit with his wife.  It turns out that the gentleman is a tattoo artist!  Here they are, comparing art.
Our foreign visitors today were from Berlin Germany, West Bramwich England, and Toronto, Canada.  The Canadian guys arrived on some very snappy motorcycles.  The English couple is about to relocate to New York City and wanted to take a month to see this country before settling down in the city.

There were also visitors from Streeter IL, Henderson Harbor NY, and Alabaster, AL.  Not bad for a rather gloomy, post-stormy night.  All were happy to be facing a dry day, and all were taking full Route 66 trips.  And for the first time ever, I think, we had no visitors at all from Oklahoma!

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps a lot of Oklahomans were sleeping in after staying up late watching for blips on the radar screen. Afraid some were picking up/cleaning up after what happened when blips materialized. Glad you made it to the Station for such interesting visitors.
