Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Getting Back In the Groove

I'm afraid I'm not quite back in the groove of 4 days work + 3 days dialysis quite yet.  Those free Tuesdays and Thursdays during the winter spoiled me!   I'm really enjoying being back at Afton Station more often, but I can't seem to manage my "free" time very well, since there's so little of it.  For this reason, my blog posts have been awfully cut-and-dried and not very exciting these past few days, but I'll get back in the groove soon and will try to be less rushed and more interesting in the future.

For today, however, this will be another quickie.  We had 13 visitors today.  I was terribly disappointed when an absolutely great family of six from Londonderry NSW, Australia came for a visit because I took a great photo of them, but for some reason the photo mysteriously disappeared from my camera!  This has never happened before, and it couldn't have come at a worse time, since they were such a nice family, the kids were amazingly well-behaved, smart, attractive, and chatty.  I really wanted that picture!  The family is touring Route 66 but must be back home in time for the eldest daughter to take the exams necessary for her upcoming high school graduation.  (To the Werner family, I'm so sorry there's no photo!)

The camera came back to life later in the day, and I managed to snap this photo of a couple of other very attractive and interesting people from Waubrugge, Netherlands (a small town not too far from Amsterdam).   They are recently retired and can spend a full 4 weeks on Route 66.  He has traveled 66 before, but this is the first time for her.
Later in the day, a couple from Vinita, OK and two young ladies from Yorkshire, England came for a visit.  Then, this gentleman from Tulsa stopped by to do a little reminiscing.  He grew up in Afton and graduated from Afton High School.... and worked at Afton Station!  Well, it was called Eagle Service Station then, but he clearly remembers pumping gas and washing windshields, and he even recognized the pumps.  He recalled how busy the station was then, and that there was always someone on the staff who would stay overnight to service late night travelers' need for gas.   He stayed a while and regaled us with interesting stories of old Afton.
 Phil arrived in time to close up for me, so he may have greeted more folks after I left.  I'll let you know.

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