Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Need for Seed

It's another rainy day, and now that I have my gigantic GroLite set up, I decided to shop for seeds today.  I picked up Ron M. and we headed down Route 66 to Lee's Feed & Supply.  I chose Lee's because 1) it's on Route 66, and 2) it has more of a country feel than the in-town garden centers.  (Lee's is at 19015 11th St., which is between Lynn Lane Ave. and 193rd E. Ave.).   They didn't have a huge number of seeds, but they had some interesting varieties.  All I wanted was lettuce, herbs, and a packet of tomato seed for a friend.  Sadly, I don't have yard space for a big garden like I'm used to in the past.  
Lee's also has rabbits, chicks, and even a small area with decorative items.   
And, it was so nice to see that Lee's has not one but two of those big concrete Route 66 planters which were available to businesses along Route 66 in Tulsa several years ago.  Now that I have my supplies, I intend to set up the GroLite garden this afternoon.   We're supposed to have another major downpour tomorrow, but unless it's absolutely terrible, I plan to go to Afton Station.
See the bunnies in the back?


  1. You're really good, Laurel, at tying Route 66 to a shopping trip. Well done, that. I'd wish you luck with your garden, but believe according to old wives that would be bad luck, so I'll just say--Have fun.

  2. Thanks, Susan. After living so much of my life away from Route 66, I make sure I do as much commerce on the Mother Road as possible. I'll keep you informed about how my little seedlings do. I just got them all planted.
