Saturday, February 25, 2012


I had a great time at Afton Station today, but first I want to comment on another wonderful Route 66 gathering.  Last evening, I attended a photo show at a local Tulsa gallery.  Several months ago, my friend and avid Route 66 fan Brad Nickson led a group of photography students (of which he was one) on a trip down Oklahoma Route 66 for the purpose of taking interesting photos of the Mother Road.  Last night his photos dominated the show of their works, but I must say there were some extraordinary shots by all of the students in the class.  I was pleased to be invited and enjoyed viewing the beautiful work hanging there.   It was also a good place to gather with other Route 66 fans. 
 Here are Brad (left), Ron M., me, Michael Wallis, LaSandra Nickson, and Suzanne Wallis.

Today, there were very few actual visitors to Afton Station -- five, to be exact -- and all were from the nearby town of Miami and were just out roaming around on a nice day.  The majority of our day was spent celebrating my "66 on 66" birthday with all the friends of the Station.   Ron M. provided yummy cupcakes and embarrassing party hats!   (Maybe we should have been glad no unsuspecting strangers showed up when we were exhibiting our childish partying!).   I got some great gifts, much more than I deserved.  We spent the entire day just laughing and talking and enjoying our brand of hell raising (which, if you must know, is pretty tame!).
 Tattoo Man, Robin, Betty, Marly, Sue, Phil, and Ron M.
Robin made me this beautiful piece of stained glass.  This isn't a good photo of it.  Hanging in a bright window, it sparkles and shines.  I love it!

Robin has been working at the Station on Sundays, and Marly has been there during the week.  Even when we're not "officially" open, we've been getting a pretty good number of visitors.  Last Sunday, Robin had 12 visitors, so our numbers are still good for February, when traditionally very few people travel.   I'll be reopening full time in a couple of weeks.


  1. Happy "66 on 66" Birthday! Looks like a fun time.

  2. Happy, happy from Mr. Bruce and me too. You know with your love of "Route 66" your 66th year will be exact special.
