Friday, December 30, 2011

Year-End Random Photos

Since it's the end of the year, I'm cleaning off my camera's memory card.   Therefore, I'm going to post these with minimal explanation and no fanfare whatsoever.   

First, here's a wooden bridge (4 tons limit) in the Bruner Hill area of Tulsa.  Ron M. and I drove over it during a tour of the neighborhood brought on by an interesting article in the Tulsa World.  It's nowhere near Route 66, but it's a very intriguing little part of the city, and its citizens are worried that it is fading into history. 
 I thought Afton was the only town on Oklahoma Route 66 with an abandoned bathtub out in the open for all to see.
I was wrong.  There's one out behind the Rock Cafe in Stroud, and it's a much classier one than the Afton Pink Tub!
 Interesting building on Route 66 in Bristow, OK
 Reportedly  haunted, the Belvidere Mansion in Claremore, OK is a neat structure.
 I took this one morning a week or two ago.  Sunrise in Tulsa.  Yes, another one.
My most cherished Christmas present.  Sarah had my favorite photo of her enlarged and printed on canvas. In it, she is celebrating the joy of vacation in the Black Hills.
And that's probably all for 2011.  I can scarcely believe it's passed so quickly.  I wish each one of you a 2012 filled with joy, prosperity, and good  health.


  1. Joy and Health in the New Year to you and all your readers.

  2. Happy new year from Johnny and Per from Sweden

  3. Thank you to Susan, Johnny, and Per! A very wonderful 2012 to you and yours!
