Saturday, December 10, 2011

I guess the moon looked ever so slightly un-round this morning, but as eclipses go, this one was a bummer.  But then, the last 24  hours have been somewhat of a bummer too, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.  Yesterday Blogger, who runs this blog site, decided to tell me, without warning, that it no longer supports my browser.  Surprise!  I could read my blog but couldn't write on it.  No explanation given.  After massive grumbling, hyperventilating, stomping around, and using some S-words and F-words not appropriate for my ordinarily reserved demeanor, I apparently pushed some magic button that told me I could regain custody of my blog if I joined Google Chrome.  With no choice in the matter, I did.  Very clever recruiting device, Google!  The feeling of not being able to continue blogging was akin to turning the key on a cold morning and the car not starting.  That, at least, didn't happen to me yesterday.

I drove to Afton this morning in a scrim of fog so thick that I'm surprised I didn't end up in Albuquerque.   Actually, I kind of wish I had.  I'm here at Afton Station now, freezing my knees off, and reading the note from Robin, who had only two visitors and zero sales yesterday.  Why do we even bother in the winter?
I guess we bother because I refuse to have a "closed for the winter" kind of business as long as I have the strength, gas in the car, and money to pay Robin on Fridays. Besides, I like it here, despite the shivering and blue toes.  And those two travelers who did show up yesterday deserved not to be met with a locked door.That is unacceptable!  Route 66 is a 365-days-a-year treat, even for those silly enough to travel in December.
The fog, and my spirits, finally lifted.  As I sat reading an article in the latest issue of Cowboys and Indians Magazine about the 100th birthday of Roy Rogers, people appeared at the door.  First it was Robin and Phil, who decided to stay and keep  me company all day (hooray!), followed by seven visitors!  They came from  Valley Center KS, Grove OK, and Almont MI.   None were specifically taking Route 66 trips, but all were most interested in what we have to offer at Afton Station.   As it turned out, it was a fine day after all, and I drove home on a clear, sunny, crisp 45-degree day, ready to go back tomorrow and hope for more visitors.  


  1. Just saying..I like Chrome for blogging now that I'm used to it. Took me awhile.

    Stay warm if at all possible. I can't handle cold, so I pretend I'm a bear until spring.

  2. I switched over to Chrome earlier this year when Internet Explorer started giving me trouble. It seems to work better for me and doesn't seem to have all the add-on junk like IE.

  3. I hope I get used to Chrome. I'm not using it as my default because I'm one of those staunch AOL users who refuses to change. AOL has never given me a single problem in 15 years and I am loyal. So, I am just using Chrome for the blog, and I still don't understand it at all! I need help! (And frankly, I don't even know what a browser is!)

  4. I've been using Chrome for a few years now, and I love it. It's fast, it doesn't lock up or get caught in a loop like IE did, and it's very tidy in its appearance (rather than all cluttered like IE). Definitely make Chrome your default browser (that's what you use to navigate the Interwebz), and you can make it your homepage, too. It's easy to navigate using the tabs, and it will remember your most frequently visited sites.

    You can still use AOL if you use Chrome. I use the web version of AOL (i.e., one of my bookmarks is, so I go right to that to access my email) rather than the software download.

    If you have any questions, feel free to email me. I'll help if I can. It can be hard to do without sitting there and showing you, but I'll do my best!

  5. hi Laural...i linked your blog directly to page

    it's a fun and informational blog...

    am glad i get to walk to work and get a beautiful sunrise most days...
