Sunday, December 4, 2011

A Dusty Tree and a Mystery Man

Not much to say about today at Afton Station. Ron M., Betty, Tattoo Man, and I were all there to greet guests, but not very many appeared on our doorstep. We almost outnumbered the guests, but we did have six: a man from Barnsdall, OK with his friend who was visiting from Oregon, a couple from Grove, OK doing a little weekend touring, and a woman and her young son from Afton who ended up here on a quest for a someone who could add some air to a deflating tire. It really looks like the long-distance Route 66 travelers, as well as most of the international travelers, are staying at home and waiting for spring before they get back to the Mother Road. That's ok. We'll be waiting for them.

Our little sad (and dusty, according to Ron M.) Christmas tree is now living atop the postcard rack. I'm also handing out candy canes to visitors. Otherwise, I'm afraid we haven't given much attention to holiday decor around here.
When my latest copy of Sexy Beast Magazine arrived yesterday, I thought I recognized the cover model. Geez, he looks SO familiar. . . .it's something about the face, I think. Hmmm..... but it seems that there's something missing. Help me! What could it be? Who is this mystery man?

Oh wait, I think I know! Scroll down to find the answer......

May 1969, Camp Evans, Viet Nam. A young man who later would gain international fame as "The Route 66 Tattoo Man", pauses for a snapshot, his body not yet a canvas filled with body art. Yes, this is our dear Ron Jones, pre-Route 66 obsession. (Sorry, Tattoo. I couldn't resist making a magazine cover out of you. Tee hee!)

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