Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Kindness

My blog readers are such great people!   For example, these incredible Route 66 Christmas ornaments arrived in the mail yesterday from Susan Y., one of my faithful readers whom I've only met once in person.  On the basis of that one visit this fall, I feel we've been friends for a long time.   She made these clever ornaments herself out of Route 66 fabrics.  Needless to say, I love them!

A gift of another kind came today as well.   Paul Fogg, who sent me the cool collage I posted yesterday, has just sent this slide show of some of the cars he photographed on his last Route 66 jaunt.  Most of them are from Afton Station, in fact.  Car nuts, take note!  These are some VERY nice images!  Vintage Online

I can't stop thinking about the Route 66 travelers who may have been trapped in the snowstorm out in New Mexico and the panhandle of Texas the last few days.  I do hope everyone is safe and continuing on their way to more adventures in less daunting climates!