Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Welcome to my first day of "vacation"!

It's my first "day off" from my regular Afton Station summer schedule. I almost don't know what to do with myself. I ran errands and spent an inordinate amount of time in Target. It's been so long since I've been there -- years! -- that it felt like I was exploring a new universe. A pretty boring universe, actually. A Made in China universe. I'd rather be on Route 66.

Here are some more of the photos Ron M. took at the Monument Dedication on Saturday.

Brad begins his speech. Since the wind was so strong, he needed to use a megaphone.

Brad being interviewed by Rick Thompson of Cimarron Photo.
Long-time Afton citizens Melvin Berks and his wife chat with others.
Oklahoma Route 66 Association President Mike Hickey (right) speaks to OK Assoc. member Rick Schmigle.

Folks sign the guest book as I look on.
Marilyn Emde, OK Route 66 Association and Carolyn and Mike Pendleton of the KS Route 66 Association.
Betty Wheatley and her sister Marlene serve beverages.

Ron "Tattoo Man" Jones chats with Glenda Pike of the MO Route 66 Association.


  1. Laurel,
    When is Afton Station open now and will this be the schedule until summer rolls around again?
    Enjoy your extra free time. Susan

  2. We'll be open in November and part of December only on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We'll also be open by appointment or by chance. We'll be officially closed from mid-December to the end of January, unless I can't stand to be away (which is probable!)


  3. Your photos of the fall color are simply outstanding Laurel. Please do not tell me that you shot them trough the windshield :-)

    I also wanted to thank you personally for hosting such a great event and extending and invitation to Richard and I. I know that it took a lot of hard work on your part but everyone had a great time. Rick Thompson

  4. Rick- Yes, I actually DO take most of my photos out of the windshield. I'm not a pro like you guys, but I can't resist snapping here and there as I drive around. Great seeing you on Saturday. I look forward to seeing your photos of the event.
