Sunday, November 13, 2011

Listen here, Blog!

Just another glorious Oklahoma sunrise

Hey, Blog! You've picked a fine time to go wacko on me! Every now and then, Blogger chooses to completely mess up the layout of my blog. Now, I'll admit that it could be operator error, however it seems to happen without my input. The unfortunate thing is that I'm not HTML-literate enough to fix it myself, so in trying to do so I often make it worse. Anyway, please excuse how "Ramblings. . ." looks right now. I'm working on a fix.

Meanwhile, we had an extremely slow day today. Ron M., Tattoo Man and I mostly sat around and read Christmas catalogues, if you want the truth. We also did some remaining cleanup from yesterday's festivities and ate up some of the leftovers, so the day wasn't excruciatingly slow. The guests we did have -- a father and son from Grove, OK and a couple from Tulsa, OK -- were great! The Tulsa couple consisted of transplants from New York State and Germany. Very nice people. Here they are:

I expect to have some more photos from the monument dedication ready to put on the blog tomorrow, and perhaps even a video. And now, check out this photo I snapped coming home tonight. It's Turkey Mountain in Tulsa. Fall color has finally arrived here!

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