Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Super Slooooooow Day

Six visitors today -- just six. It was the first really chilly day of the fall here in eastern Oklahoma, and because I flatly refuse to give up my sandals just yet, my toes remained frozen all day.

The day began with a couple from Manhattan, Kansas arriving a little before our official opening time. That was ok, because Marly, Phil, and I were already there. A bit later, this happy family, the Williamsons from Clarksville, Tennessee came to see us, and we really enjoyed their visit.

Later in the day, a rather sad looking gentleman riding a bicycle and pulling a small trailer containing his sleeping equipment as well as, I speculate, all his other worldly goods. He looked around a bit and warmed up before moving on. He said he was originally from Indianapolis, but was vague about his current lodgings. I felt sorry that the chilly nights will no doubt make his travels less comfortable.

The only diversion of the day was watching Marly, Phil, and David wash David's enormous motorhome in the front driveway. He's taking it to Missouri this weekend and wants it to be clean and in good shape after several months of inactivity.

Saturday, November 12 has been set as the date for the dedication of the Ribbon Road monument marker in Afton. Please try to attend. It will be dedicated at 1:00 p.m., followed by refreshments at Afton Station (just a mile away) immediately thereafter. The Oklahoma Route 66 Association will be represented, as well as local officials and everyone we can entice into coming along for the fun.

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