Monday, September 19, 2011

Letters, We Get Letters. . .

Thank you for responding to my request for information on why in the world you bother to read my blog frequently. Most of the responses can be read in the Comments section of my last post, but here's one that was sent snail mail. I think it's representative of what most of you said, i.e. you read the blog because you love Route 66 and find it enjoyable to know what we do on the Mother Road on a day-to-day basis.

"I read your blog first thing in the mornings before I start my day at work. My husband and I have only traveled Route 66 once, but what a trip! I love the nostalgia that the Mother Road presents and love reading your blog as to what goes on daily in a real Route 66 town and the many visitors you have. I think here is the true spirit of America, the small towns and its' people. I appreciate your traveling as far as you do each day to Afton Station, allowing the roadies of Route 66 a glimpse of the Mother Road."

This one gave me a big smile since it comes from Saudi Arabia. Nobody should dare think that love of Route 66 isn't an international disease!

"I found your blog through a link on Ron McCoy's Antique & Collecting newsletter. I live in Saudi Arabia, and there's not much to do so I check my favorite blogs daily. My father went to school briefly in Afton, and my parents live in the very NE corner of Oklahoma now. I want to visit your museum next summer when I visit them."

I'll publish more of these thoughts as they come in. Thanks to all. See you tomorrow!


  1. I check out your blog daily because between you and Ron Warnick, I can keep up with day-to-day activities on Route 66.
    Also, since I know you and consider you a friend, it's a good way to keep up with what is happening in your life.

  2. I must add I read your blog because you are a good writer and make each story interesting. You can tell you enjoy each visitors story. There are many, many Route 66 sites and blogs, that I don't read. I like yours, period.

  3. Trevor -- Now if we could just get you healed and back on your bike you could come for another visit!

    Miss Dazey -- Thank you so much. What a nice compliment! I do value my constant readers!

  4. I just ran across your blog this morning while searching for Route 66 blogs. One day my husband and I would like to take an RV across Route 66. I'm just dreaming in the meantime. :)
