Saturday, September 24, 2011

And then. . .

Ron M. and I arrived at Afton Station at the usual time. And then. . .

Phil and Robin arrived. Robin helped us greet visitors for several hours while Phil stayed in the back and spit polished a motorcycle. And then. . .. . . our friend Kathy Anderson came for a visit from Edmond, OK and brought with her another batch of t-shirts and sweatshirts for us to sell.
These shirts are hard to keep in stock. The price is right ($22 for heavy sweatshirts and $10 for nice tshirts). And then. . .. . . this little boy from Afton brought his mom and sister over from their home just a few blocks away to hang out for a while. And then. . .. . . repeat visitors Bill and son Chandler dropped in. They're such great guests that this is the second time I've featured them with a photo here on the blog. And then. . .

. . . David brought back two of the cars that were in a parade today. There are three more that haven't been returned yet, so the showrooms looked a little bare today. And then. . .

. . . Betty W. came and sat with us for a while. And then. . .

. . . several more travelers came to visit. They were from Prairie Grove AR, Lincoln AR, and Broken Arrow, OK. And then. . .

. . . on the way out of town we drove down to the Afton Town Hall to see how the voting was going. Voting? On Saturday? Yes, the Cherokee Tribe is re-voting for Tribal Chief today after a recent much-disputed election that was too close to call. With so many Cherokees (and other tribes) present in Oklahoma, choosing their leaders is a big deal. Today was voting day, and I look forward to finding out the results. And then. . .

. . . we drove down to the Ribbon Road (9 Ft. Highway) to check on the word that the county is dumping gravel all over it. The word was true. They are. I'm just sick about it, but will speak to the OK State Historic Preservation officer early next week.

Whew, I'm tired. Time to rest for a few hours before leaving for Afton again tomorrow morning.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds as if it's either feast or famine around there.
    I hope the county doesn't ruin the Sidewalk Highway, it's a state treasure.
