Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Column: Part II

The column (see Aug. 28 post) has been embellished. Need I say more?

Phil had his second cast removed last week. Here's what he did with it. He's so creative! See July 30th post to see his first one.

There's much excitment being generated about Saturday's Afton Route 66 Clean Up Day! People from town are starting to sign up, and I even had a call from a couple in Sand Springs, OK who have no ties to Afton or Route 66 who want to sign up to work. They heard about it from the article in the Tulsa World on Sunday and thought it was a worthy cause. This just may turn into a really big deal! I hope so! I'm still not sure if I need to get 10 hot dogs or 100 to serve for lunch, but it looks like it will be somewhere in between, on the high side. The more the merrier!

The towns employees are also getting involved. Looks like the "WELCOME TO. . ." signs on either side of town will finally get their "AFTON" back. We noticed this one, ready to be bolted back together, as we came into town from the west this morning. Later, we heard that the one on the east side of town is also being worked on. Additionally, we saw people weed whacking on some of the vacant lots in town today. Things are starting early. I'm thrilled.

We didn't have a ton of travelers today, but it was busy anyway, with lots going on in regard to the clean up project. Our visitors came from Freeport TX, Warsaw Poland, Fairland, OK, and 200 miles north of Fairbanks, Alaska. The Alaskan gentleman works on the pipeline. Sounds like an interesting way of life. The young couple from Warsaw, Poland was having their first experience in the U.S.A. They will be visiting all of Route 66, plus Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, and San Francisco. We also had drop-in visits from Ron "Tattoo Man" Jones and Dean "Crazy Legs" Walker. Betty W. spent some time with us, too.


  1. I'm glad to see Afton is trying to actually attract tourists instead of watching them pass through and hope they stop.
    Today, I got the brace taken off my elbow and I start therapy.

  2. Trevor -- Glad to see your elbow is healing!!
