Thursday, July 21, 2011

You can't get rid of me that easily. . .

Since I'm apparently going to be home all day, with stenchy odors coming from the cellar and my car blocked in by two trucks from the restoration company that is mucking out my flooded basement, I thought I'd post a few photos I've had for a while. I'm not sure if I've ever posted them here before, but if I did, it was a long time ago.

I obtained these quite a few years ago, back in my eBay-buying days. I haven't dabbled in eBay for a while, not for lack of interest but instead for lack of time. Anyway, I thought these were real gems. They were taken in 1955 at Buffalo Ranch in Afton. They are of the Indian dancers who were employed there to entertain the travelers. In the first one, the large billboard you see in the background is now in my possession. It's double-sided. I have one side on display at Afton Station and the other I've loaned to the Route 66 Museum at Route 66 Harley-Davidson in Tulsa.

The non-Native American in this second photo could be the gentleman who did a trained buffalo show at Buffalo Ranch, or perhaps he's just a tourist. I crave more tourist snapshots from the old days at Buffalo Ranch, and so does Betty W., who'd like to write a book about her 41 years at the drive-in there, but we haven't had much luck. If anyone has any they'd like to share, we'd be pleased to know about it.


  1. I hope you don't get mold and mildew.

    We went to Buffalo Ranch when I was about 5. But, trying to find pictures taken 40 years ago can be a problem.

  2. I have walked right by one side of your Buffalo Ranch sign on my way up the stairs to see the museum displays at the 5 & Diner/Harley Davidson. Fun to see it in this old photo.

  3. I remember the Buffalo Ranch, took my kids one years ago. I am assuming it is long gone.

  4. Unfortunately, it was torn down and a truck stop is on the property now. However, they kept the bison out back in a field.
