Monday, July 11, 2011

Partial Day at Afton Station

Although I left Afton early to pick up my friend Judy at the Tulsa airport, the morning hours when Ron M. and I were at the Station were loaded with nice visitors and some surprises as well. My friend Emily from Tulsa surprised us by bringing her parents who are visiting from Herrin, IL. I've met them before but they'd never been to Afton Station. It's always nice to see them.
My photographer friend Michael Scruggs from Miami stopped in and I requested he take a few photos of the new motor coach. He did, but I haven't had time to look at them yet. I'm sure they're excellent, however.

This little boy and his family visited from Bonne Terre, MO. He was one of the most active and curious children we've ever hosted, and I was completely taken by his enthusiasm. Everything he looked at elicited a shriek of excitement. I like that!
Here's a cute couple from Essex, England. More enthusiasm for Route 66!
Other visitors came from Fairdealing MO, Detroit TX, Miami OK, Orlando FL, and Tulsa. Reuben and Colleen stopped by, too. This time they didn't bring corn -- they brought some priceless old photos of Buffalo Ranch. When I get a free moment I'll scan them and put them on the blog. As I said earlier, I won't be having much time in the next few days to devote to the blog, but we'll catch up later. Robin and Phil will take over the Station for me today (Monday). I'm hoping that, thanks to them, I'll be able to stay open 7 days a week during the busy summer season. So, if you're in the area, come ahead! Cheers!

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