Friday, June 24, 2011

Yet Another Book Recommendation

It's an investment, but it's worth it to any Route 66 fan. It's Shannon Richardson's black and white photographic essay, Route 66: American Icon, a large-format coffee table book. Shannon is a sensitive photographer with a fine eye for the details of Route 66. His love of the Mother Road is evident on each page. Each black and white photo is large, approximately the size of an old album cover. Subjects range from familiar icons photographed at interesting angles to rarely noticed details along the road. I'm particularly fond of Page 45, this incredible photo of Afton Station at night in the rain.The book may be purchased at The price is $66. Shannon was at the Amarillo Festival, so some of you may have already met him. He is an Amarillo native.


  1. Thanks so much for the positive comments Laurel.

  2. It's truly a beautiful book, Shannon!

  3. That looks like a great book...and that photograph is just gorgeous!
