Sunday, June 5, 2011

We're Rolling Now

It occurs to me that I haven't posted a sunrise photo for a while, so here goes!
The tourist season is upon us, and things are really rolling now at Afton Station. Today, we hosted 23 guests, who hailed from Crescent FL, Chateauroux France, Portland OR, Muskogee OK, Broken Arrow OK, Thornton CO, Mascoutah IL, W. Lafayette IN, Chicago IL, and Monroe WI.

Herb and Diane, from Crescent FL, packed up their lives and headed for Route 66 on their motorcycle/trailer rig which they call "Herb and Diane's Dream". Their dog rides with them in his little crate and despite the heat wave, they are indeed following their dream. They can stay on the road until September if they so desire, since they've just retired. Although their rig was chock full of their travel needs, it was all very well organized. We really enjoyed the high spirits and enthusiasm of this couple.

We also greeted a number of families with children today. That's such a good sign! Among the guests were a gentleman from Japan who recently moved to Chicago and wanted to explore the rest of the U.S. via the Mother Road. Some great grandparents came in and brought along their 4 cute great grandchildren. Two men from Portland are escorting two visitors from France along Route 66. Lots of variety today. On top of that, Robin and Phil spent the morning with us, and Betty W. came for the afternoon. It was really a great day in Afton, Oklahoma!

Ron M. stole my camera again and took a number of pictures. Here are a couple of them. Tripper is getting ready a bit early for the Fourth of July. Here he is in his Uncle Sam hat.
Meanwhile, here I am with my beloved magnet making machine. My helpers sold so many magnets while I was gone that I am struggling to make more so that the display board doesn't look so bare.

Whew, I'm tired tonight so I'll stop gabbing and hope for an early bedtime!

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