Saturday, June 18, 2011

Detour Dan Visits

Only ten visitors today. Eleven if you count Detour Dan. Here he is.Detour Dan is traveling Route 66 with this fine Masteller couple from Strafford, MO. He's being photographed here and there along the way. The Mastellers are members in good standing of the MO Route 66 Association and are developing the website gentleman from Shreveport, LA is making his way home from a long trip which involved Route 66 as well as the Rocky Mountains. On a bristling hot day like today, he happily enjoyed our air conditioning and ice cold water for a while before he moved on.

Other visitors were all from Oklahoma. They came from Caddo, Miami, Tulsa, Ponca City, and Stillwater. Frequent visitor Perry Knight and his companion Merilee stopped in for a while, and Perry showed us his new, impressive model airplane engine. Both of them are pilots, so this acquisition was much appreciated.

Ron M. was with me today. We were somewhat surprised by the slowness of the day after the very active previous weeks. Maybe dads are celebrating Fathers' Day weekend watching golf on TV rather than facing the heat and roaming the Mother Road.

The turtle given to me by Richard, an Afton local, was found terrorizing and intimidating the tiny frog from Puerto Rico given to me by Ron M. after his recent trip. I think the turtle had an unfair advantage, and yet froggy continues to smile. All this drama is taking place on top of the antique cash register.

See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. FYI: The little frog, the coquí, is the official mascot of Puerto Rico.
