Monday, May 30, 2011

Still around, still on vacation

I couldn't resist making a short post, despite still being on vacation. Happy Memorial Day to all.

I've been to a picturesque gristmill. . .

. . . a very tall waterfall. . .

. . . and said hi to these folks in the only Route 66 town I visited (bet many of you can guess which one!) . . .

. . . and daughter Sarah and I spent a very rainy night in a mom 'n pop motel.
. . . and, the best part of it all, attended the wedding of lifelong friend Dana and her beloved Shakir!

I've been in seven states, with more to come, but I'm heading home now. It's been great to spend a week with Sarah, visit my oldest and dearest friends, explore some new territory, and just get away. I'll fill in details when I get home. Meanwhile, can you identify that gristmill, waterfall, and wall mural?


  1. Great to see you out on the road though I didn't realize you were that much taller than Sarah.

  2. Denny, Like a fine flower, I tend to grow when watered.

    In truth, I'm standing in my motel doorway (staying dry -- I'm no dummy) which was several steps up from the pavement.

    I'm in beautiful Seymour, IN tonight. Quite the garden spot.

  3. Seymour, Indiana, home of John Mellencamp. Worship as you will! :D

  4. Good to hear you're having fun and making the most of your break. Have to say I was having a bit of Afton Station withdrawal, so do appreciate you sending your photos and notes from the road.

  5. Glad to hear that your are having a great time. See you next week in Amarillo
    big hugs to you and Sarah!
