Thursday, May 5, 2011

Ron M. is back. . .

. . . and he came with me to Afton today. He wielded my camera in order to take a few photos of the new showroom while I was having a short personal meeting with someone from out of town.

I don't know why David removed the hood from the front of the motorcoach.

This sign tells a bit about the motorcoach.

This is one of the turn signals on the motorcoach. Don't you love it??

We did have some visitors today, too. This couple, from San Antonio, TX is doing Route 66 from west to east in a nice motorhome. They seem to be having a wonderful time and were fun to talk to.

More travelers stopped in from Shipshewana IN, DesMoines IA, and Commerce OK. The friend with whom I had the meeting is from Hagerstown, MD. Also, a couple from Afton stopped in briefly.

Not much else happened today. There was a brief downpour midday, but mostly the day was sunny and warm. Could spring finally be here????


  1. Shipshewana! Not too far from us!

  2. Your new showroom looks great from the inside.

  3. Yes, Beth. I've actually been to Shipshewana once or twice. I never made it to the giant flea market, though.

    Trevor -- Thanks, it's getting there. I still have things to hang on the walls.
