Friday, April 29, 2011

Watch This Spot. . . Tomorrow

VERY long day. Ninety-six visitors (!), and just got home from Afton Station moments ago. Tomorrow, you will see photos of what happened today, but I'm just too tired tonight.


  1. 94 visitors - that is wonderful!
    Don't you wish there are as many visitors every day :)
    Look forward to reading all about your "busy" day.
    T-bird in St. Louis
    PS: We are fine and no where near the airport or the surrounding area that was impacted by the tornadoes. Still have the T-bird and the Mustang :)

  2. So glad to hear you weren't affected by the awful tornadoes! Keep those pretty cars safe! :-)

  3. That's a ton! Thanks for hosting us twice and letting me gawk over your Packards, Laurel. We had a wonderful time!
