Saturday, April 2, 2011

I'm still here!

I changed my mind and decided not to sell Afton Station after all. I broke the news to Mr. Lirpa and he took it well. I gave him back his deposit and he left and headed north, planning to ask the 4 Women on the Route if they wanted to sell their place. If so, he said he would call it "1 Slovenian Man on the Route". Not sure if that would go over well, though.

Ok, ok. . . it was a joke! I wouldn't think of selling Afton Station or leaving Route 66. I hope I didn't cause any angst or worry. Fortunately, I believe most people saw through my silly hoax. I've never been a good hoaxter. Back to reality.

Here's today's sunrise, on the way to Afton on Route 66 in Tulsa. It was another somewhat slow day, despite the weather being glorious. Ron M. and I were even able to sit outside for a while this afternoon. Marly, Robin, and Phil came by in the morning and I complimented Robin on the wax job she did on our floors. It shines like the top of the Chrysler Building! Robin is also making some cute suncatchers which she's selling at the Station now. I'll take a picture of them and put it here tomorrow. She's learning to work with stained glass.

We had 8 visitors today, and they came from Bentonville AR, Pryor OK, Ankeny IA, and the folks below from Broken Arrow, OK. Of the many motorcyclists who passed through Afton today, they were the only ones who had the good sense to stop. :-) Nice folks just out for a spin on this pretty day. Please note that they bought a copy of the Dining and Lodging Guide. Nice people and smart, too!

1 comment:

  1. I'm guessing you're turning down my consortiums offer, too. Oh well. We'll just open a competing business across the street. ;)

    Too bad I had things to do around here yesterday, or I would have been out cruising, too.
