Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sob sniff!

This is a snowy morning in Tulsa, and since I have nowhere to go (other than perhaps heading out later to test the snow-worthiness of the new Subaru), I'm sitting here weeding out my Favorites list and looking over some of my old blog entries.

I defy any true, dyed-in-the-wool Route 66 fan to make it all the way through "Our Town", James Taylor's song from the "Cars" movie, without at least shedding a tear or two. As for me, I just flat out blubber like a baby when I listen to it. In fact, I'm mopping up my keyboard right now.

Last winter I posted a video on YouTube which I made using old postcards of Afton compared to photos of Afton today. I used the James Taylor song as a backdrop. If you're feeling a little melancholy today, as I am, please check it out. I need someone to cry with.

It's such a small world. I had an email from a person with whom I graduated from high school a million years ago (well, only 47 years ago), and she indicated that she'd found me through an article written in the University of Kentucky alumni magazine recently. She's from Kentucky, but her mother was born in Afton in 1907! She recollected stories her mother had told her about the town. On top of that, her father was a Packard and Studebaker dealer! This is all very exciting. She told me she'd try to dig out some old Afton pictures and send them along. I am thrilled!

ADDITION: You MUST see this video. It was made 5 years ago, but is totally relevant today. It's a lifestyle changer, if you ask me. There's some Route 66 on it, but it's not dedicated strictly to Route 66. It's a nationwide issue. Be prepared to be moved.

Independent America - The Two Lane Search For Mom and Pop - Watch the Documentary Film for Free Watch Free Documentaries On...


  1. RE: Independent America....that would be a great film to be screened at the Route 66 Festival in Amarillo. Perhaps even the filmmakers would attend.

  2. To think that l'il old Afton used to be busy enough to support several resturants, motels, a bank, and a grocery store.


  3. At best we can count: 6 restaurants, 7 or 8 motels, two banks, and three grocery stores. Also a movie theater, several drygoods stores, etc., etc. A real bustling, active town. R.I.P.

  4. Laurel, what was the main industry in Afton when it was flourishing,from an always curious,

  5. Lulu,

    First, it was a big hay town. Then the passenger railroad had a roundhouse there and many RR workers lived in Afton. After that, Roadway Trucking had a regional hub there. But one of the biggest "industries" of all was Route 66, with tons of motels, filling stations, and cafes there to serve the traveling public.

  6. Sounds a lot like "Radiator Springs" doesn't it?
