Sunday, January 2, 2011

Ride, Resolutions, Repast

At yesterday's New Year's Day get-together, naturally Route 66 was a subject of discussion. A couple of things were said that gave me a perfect excuse for taking a drive west on Route 66 rather early this morning to check out some new developments. Actually, I didn't need an excuse to jump in the car on this sunny, chilly Sunday morning. I took this photo of the frost on my car windshield just prior to sunrise. Love this picture!
Someone had said that the big concrete shield in Red Fork had finally been painted. And indeed, since I last visited on Nov. 9, it had! Before

Someone had also indicated that a new Shoe Tree was starting to develop close to the old one near Stroud which fell down a few months ago. So that was my next stop. Not far from the remains of the original Shoe Tree, folks have begun to hang shoes from another, much larger tree. There are only a few pairs there now, but I'm sure there will be more by summer's end. I wasn't quite finished enjoying my time on the Mother Road, so I went on to Davenport for a ride on their Brick Highway. It is, of course, part of old Route 66, and as the name indicates, is made of brick. :-)
Davenport has also painted murals on some of their brick walls. This one is particularly nice, and depicts the Land Run of 1889. There are two other big murals in the small town.


I don't usually make New Years resolutions, but there are a few projects I've been putting off for way too long, so this year I resolve to finish them:

1) The project I'm working on for the Route 66 Interpretive Center in Chandler, OK. I'm sure the folks there would be happy if I'd get off my butt and just do it. They've been waiting for almost a year.

2) Frame all the posters, photos, maps, etc. that I've accumulated and are to be used on the walls of Afton Station's new showroom, if and when it ever gets finished. Actually, it's close enough to completion that I think I need to snap into action.

3) Start on the next "tourist trap" project for Afton Station -- a life size (on plywood) picture of an old time gas station attendant, with a hole where the face should be, so that people can stick their faces in the hole and have pictures taken of themselves. No self-respecting tourist trap should be without one!

Ok, now I'm tired just thinking about all that. But I WILL get it done! Maybe. . . .

Here are some food pictures. It's the buffet table at my New Years Day get-together. I have about a ton of leftovers!


  1. A very Blessed New Year to you Laurel.

    Davenport is a charming little town. I've been wanting to go try those two resturants there. That old gas-station-turned-diner used to have some nice cars parked in front of it.

  2. Love your resolutions, hope you accomplish them all. Happy New Year.

  3. Is there someone who could give me some information on the concrete Route 66 shields? Size, mold material, etc.?

  4. Jane, I'm not exactly sure, but if I were you I'd try (918) 445-4457, the phone number for Red Fork Main Street. Or try emailing

    Hope this helps.

