Sunday, January 23, 2011

"American Signs"

"American Signs: Form and Meaning on Route 66" by Lisa Mahar

In light of the fact that I've been a bit obsessed by signage lately, and because I haven't mentioned this great book for a very long time, I'd like to remind my readers of what should be considered a "must read" for Route 66 fans. If you don't mind a little technical talk along the way, this has got to be one of the most important book using Route 66 as a base.

Lisa Mahar, the author, is an architect. She sees the Googie signage on Route 66 and elsewhere slightly different from most of the rest of us. She appreciated the beauty of the signs as we do, but she also analyzes them in regard to their effectiveness in leading travelers to roadside motels in the earlier days of Route 66.. The best aspects of the book are the zillion photos, both color and black and white, of said signage.

Now for a disclaimer. I helped Lisa with this book. We were fortunate to live near one another, so we were able to get However, she wrote it in 2002 and I haven't seen Lisa since I moved to Oklahoma. Every now and then I take the book off the shelf and leaf through it again. This time, I was stricken by the number of signs shown in the book that no longer exist.

I was out this morning looking for more remnants of Googie signage along Route 66 in Tulsa, but I think I've just about exhausted every possibility and most have already been included in my previous blog entries.

The book is available at Amazon.

1 comment:

  1. I've had my copy for a while now, but I'm very behind on my books. I hope to get to it before too long!
