Sunday, November 7, 2010

This, That, and The Other Thing

We love to see those big wind turbine blades come through Afton on their way to wind farms everywhere. But today, on our way to Afton Station, Ron M. and I saw this one on an interstate overpass of Route 66, and it's got to be the granddaddy of them all! Pretty impressive, eh? I'd love to see that big rig make a 90 degree turn!
T'was a really great day today at the Station. Ron M. was with me, and Tattoo Man came in for the morning, too. He's all excited about his upcoming trip to Santa Monica, CA for the big Route 66 Birthday celebration on the Pier.
We had some interesting visitors today -- sixteen of them in all. A group of four was already there when we pulled up this morning, a young couple and two middle aged women from Australia. After chatting with them for a while, we found out that the young ones were on their honeymoon and the two older ladies were the mothers-in-law who are accompanying them on their 6-week tour of America, to include Route 66. They'd already been to Memphis, NYC, Niagara Falls, and other places, and now are heading west. The concept of taking two mothers-in-law on a honeymoon was rather "foreign" to me, to be sure. They bought this gorgeous old Rambler convertible when they got to the States, and they'll ship in back to Brisbane from Los Angeles.
They weren't the only foreign visitors today, however. A lovely lady from Switzerland (near the Austrian border) was accompanied by her friend from Bergman, AR. And there were also visitors from Claremore OK, Monticello IL, Springfield MO, and Moore OK. Additionally, a young couple who just moved to Afton stopped to say hello. I didn't know people were still moving there!

The back wall of the building across the street finally came down, and now Afton Station has a lovely view of the grain co-op behind it. We still don't know what is to become of the piece of property where the building stood, but my bet is on nothing.


  1. Taking one's mother-n-law on the honeymoon?

    At least they have good taste in cars. That old Rambler convertible is a great cruiser.

  2. How about taking TWO mothers-in-law, Trevor! I mean...yikes! LOL
