Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Talking Turkey

Every Thanksgiving, my ex-husband David fries a turkey for me, and I drive up to Grove and watch him do it. This weird family ritual exists because he got the turkey fryer in the divorce. Thank goodness we're still good friends or I'd be turkeyless! LOL! Actually, I'd have no trouble just roasting one myself, but the fried ones are SO much better. And the frying process is a messy and dangerous job, so I'm pleased to let David do it.

This year, I took Ron M. with me because he'd never seen a turkey being fried. It was a cloudy, windy, and WARM day. I'm guessing it hit records for November warmth, a good day to take a ride and observe a defenseless bird being boiled in oil.

The bird goes into the boiling oil -- veeerrrryyyy slowly! (Note the '55 Packard in the background.)

A little more than a half hour later, the bird comes out.

And now, just to let it drain and pack it up for it's trip to Tulsa.

The most interesting part of this story is that I don't intend to serve the bird on Thanksgiving. Instead, Ron M. and I have come up with a rather ingenious idea for celebrating the holiday in a truly Route 66 "roadie" way. But you'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out about it, so be sure to come back and check out my Thanksgiving photos. Meanwhile, I hope all of YOU have a delicious and thankful Turkey Day!

P.S. We stopped in to Afton Station on the way home from Grove. All is well there, Marly and Robin were working hard on the new building, and we've had a decent number of visitors since I've been away from it.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to seeing your holiday festivity. Happy Thanksgiving.
