Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Spook Light

Robin, Phil, Marly, Sue, and Kenny took a little trip to the Route 66 Spook Light on Saturday night, just to investigate and bring a report to Afton Station. I've never been there, so I was eager to find out if it's real or a huge century-long myth/scam. They sat out on the dark road for hours and, without the aid of any mind-altering substances, came back with this little video.

It looked good to me -- right up until I could hear the sound of Marly's footsteps. LOL! Nice try, guys! The double flashlight idea was quite innovative, however. In reality, they saw nothing except a lot of other people out there the night before Halloween hoping for a sighting, too. Oh well. . .

1 comment:

  1. Little tricks like that are fun, that is how you know who your friends are.
