Saturday, October 16, 2010

Still Life With Boob Tube

Another addition to the landscape of beautiful downtown Afton.

This awesome vintage TV has appeared across the street in front of the Palmer Hotel. If I hadn't surmised that it probably belongs to the lady who owns the hotel, it would be mine right now! Although, it looks rather good right where it is. There's no telling what one might find on the streets of Afton.

This Saturday morning at Afton Station was rather slow. No, VERY slow. Here's Ron M., combatting the boredom.

Soon, however, this absolutely delightful couple, Christopher and Olivia from St. Louis, pulled up in their snappy T-Bird convertible. Olivia is a regular reader of my blog and it was fun meeting them. Olivia is one of the most enthusiastic Route 66 supporter that we've met, and our visit with them was energizing.

Soon after Ron M. and I decided to sit outdoors and enjoy the lovely autumn day, others began to arrive. Although we didn't break any attendance records, we did have good visits from folks from Nashville TN, Del City OK, Iowa City IA, Galena KS, and Joplin, MO. Can't complain!

1 comment:

  1. It IS unfortunate that the summer traveling season is almost over, and there's SOOO many places I still want to go see.

