Thursday, October 21, 2010

From the Land Down Under

Love those Aussies! On a day when, admittedly, our visitor roster is slowing considerably, I found it rather amazing that we had TWO groups of Australians come to visit, both from Queensland, and one group arriving less than 5 minutes after the first group left. I hope that eventually, down Route 66, they'll all meet up somewhere.

First came this couple:
Followed closely by this group of three ladies.
They're all traveling west on Route 66, and all will be staying in Tulsa tonight, so maybe they'll cross paths. As with all of our Australian friends, both sets of visitors were knowledgable about Route 66, were having the time of their lives, and were the kind of upbeat folks that make Afton Station a happy place to be.

Our other visitors today came from Harrisburg PA, Terre Haute IN, and Oklahoma City, Lone Grove, and Monkey Island, OK. A very lovely bunch, I must say.

It was a quiet day in the town of Afton today, with not much going on. Tattoo Man came to help out for a while, and Marly dropped in, too. Betty W. came toward the end of the day and helped close up.

I've decided to close the Station on Election Day so that I can vote in Tulsa in the morning and not have to rush up to Afton immediately thereafter. I'm actually kind of excited about having a full day to do something fun and different. It will be the first time for that in about a year. So, if anyone was planning to come to Afton on Nov. 2, I sincerely apologize for my absence. If you were planning to come that day, let me know and maybe we can make alternate arrangements.


  1. "I've decided to close the Station on Election Day so that I can vote in Tulsa in the morning and not have to rush up to Afton immediately thereafter. "

    If you're voting for Mary Fallin, then thank you for holding your civic duty in such high regard.

    If you're voting for Jeri Askins, then you might get some visitors from Lower Slobovia who've saved their whole lives for this once-in-a-lifetime trip. So you might consider.....

  2. Trevor, I have a feeling that Laurel is going to do her civic duty and cancel out your vote! :-)

  3. Correct, Ron! My mission in life is to cancel out Trevor's vote! Hee hee! Don't think I wasn't thinking about you, Trevor, when I decided to close on Election Day. On the other hand, if you'd like to come for a visit on that day instead of voting, I'll gladly stay open for you. LOL!
