Sunday, October 24, 2010

Artists, Writers, Restorers, Travelers

What is it that the politicos say? "In the spirit of full disclosure. . ." (although I'm not so sure that everything is really fully disclosed by them). Nevertheless, in that same spirit of full disclosure, I'm about to confess something.

I am tired.

No, I'm not tired of my wonderful Afton Station visitors. I'm not tired of Afton itself. I'm not even tired of my long Route 66 drive between Tulsa and Afton. My tired is a physical weariness, as if my inner clock is all messed up. Going to bed around 8 p.m. and getting up around 3 a.m. just isn't working for me any more. There are things I'd like to do in the evening but I can't stay awake. And rising at 3 a.m. had lots of charm in the summer when it gave me plenty of time to shower, answer 25 emails, eat breakfast and still get out of the house and on the road in time to see the sunrise. Not so in the winter, when the sun doesn't rise until 7:30 or after. I'm living (and driving) in the morning darkness, and who needs that?

I need to alter my biological clock so that I don't feel "blah" all day. For all these reasons, I'm very much looking forward to Election Day, my first full day off from both Afton Station and dialysis in over a year, and I can't decide what to do with this prize. After I go to vote, should I drive up to the Tall Grass Prairie and just sit and meditate all day? Should I take a drive on Route 66 west of Tulsa, something I haven't done for a while? Should I stay home and finish a project I've been putting off for about 6 months? Should I begin my Christmas shopping? I just can't decide. I'm open to suggestions.

It's 1 p.m. and we've had a few guests. Tattoo Man is here with me, and so far eight other folks have dropped in. Two couples from the Volkswagen Club of Tulsa came in their '71 VW bus owned by one of them. Between the two couples, they have quite a fleet of vintage VWs. They were accompanied by Mimi, this very cute terrier.
Last summer we were visited by a guy from Vincennes, Indiana who was bicycling across the U.S. He's writing a book about his adventures, and stopped back today (via car, not bike this time) to say he appreciated the email I sent to him after his last visit. That sort of thing makes me very happy.

Just after a couple from Shoreview, Minnesota left, coincidentally, another Minnesotan walked in, a young woman from Minneapolis traveling by herself.

In the afternoon, we visited with a couple from Independence, MO traveling part of Route 66 in this beautifully restored '49 Chevy (with an Olds engine). They are doing bits of the Mother Road each year, and revealed that they restored this car expressly for their very special trips.
An artist from Baltimore, Maryland stopped in to take some photos as she's nearing the end of two months on the road photographing various entities as part of a project she's working on. She has crossed the country with her little teardrop trailer, which she indicated is very cozy and a great place to get a good night's sleep. I looked at some of her work, and it's wonderful. Check it out.
Two gentlemen from Munich, Germany are spending a couple of months in the area on business and decided to check out Afton Station and Route 66 before they head back home. And, at the end of the day, a couple from Joplin, MO who were just out for a day of relaxing touring stopped in shortly before we closed. Betty W., who arrived after church, helped me close up after another very satisfying day

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