Saturday, October 9, 2010

And the beat goes on. . .

What started out to be a slow day at Afton Station picked up considerably in the afternoon, and we finished with 38 visitors. Tattoo Man and Betty W. were there in the morning, and Ron rode up with me and was there all day. Not even a small nod to an autumn slowdown today! Full speed ahead!

The town of Afton is looking as lovely as ever. No, this is not a picture of the ruins of Ancient Rome. It's the lot next to Afton Station. What you see are piles of the rocks that have been extracted from the demolished building across the street and piled on pallets so they can be put up for sale. Anyone need some rock. . . a LOT of rock???

Our visitors came from Oklahoma City OK, Beatrice NE, Red Rock TX, Sapulpa OK, Kansas City MO, Peabody KS, Coalgate OK, Kiowa KS, Foyil OK, Naperville IL, Culver City CA, Simi Valley CA, and Cleora OK.

Here's Winston, who hails from Oklahoma City. He and his people visited today and Winston enjoyed a couple of doggie biscuits, followed by a short nap on our rug.

Four veteran "car guys" came visiting from Kiowa, Kansas in this sharp '56 Ford Victoria. It looked good for photos in front of the Station.

There were quite a few visitors on motorcycles today, and I don't blame them for being out there on another perfect day. Hard to believe this is Oklahoma, with a long string of gorgeous weather, with no rain in the forecast until Monday, which means that for the first time in years, the Tulsa State Fair had perfect weather for it's whole 10-day stand. Tomorrow is the big Route 66 Marathon, which runs through a little of Missouri, Kansas, and Oklahoma. Unfortunately, to accomodate the 25+ mile marathon restrictions, they have to begin in Commerce, OK instead of pushing it back to Afton, as was first planned. But since there are about 2000 people signed up for the race, I'm hoping that some may drive down to Afton on their way home after they finish. Just hoping. . .

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