Friday, September 24, 2010

Little Dutch Boy

Got in late last night after dinner with a friend. Got up early this morning in order to write a blog entry. I think I'm a bit blog obsessed. Is there a 12-step program for this? :-)

Yesterday was fairly quiet at Afton Station, with 18 visitors. Possibly the most interesting guests were a family from Waddingsveen, Netherlands -- mom, dad, 3-year-old Youri, and his 16-month-old sister. The family is taking a full year off to travel around the world. When they finish in the U.S. (including all of Route 66) and Canada and Alaska, they'll wait in Hawaii and Fiju (one month in each) while their RV is shipped to Australia. What an amazing adventure! Little Youri, for one so young, displays a curiosity about everything that surrounds him. I fell in love with the little kid!

I also greeted guests from Houston TX, Disney OK, Lehigh KS, Monongah WV, Kansas City MO, Willow Springs NC, Wasougal WA, and Vinita OK. Marly stayed to help me close at 5 p.m. when my friend arrived from Tulsa. It was a long day, but a very nice one, culminating with amazing German food at a favorite Grove restaurant that is (sadly) closing for good next week.


Here's a telephoto shot of one of the guys on the collapsed roof across the street. Somebody's going to get hurt over there. Marly and I spent the last hour or two at the Station watching the activity, as they are removing all the rock, most of the wood, and anything else that's recyclable.

It's impossible for me to photograph the full harvest moon. Although the moon was HUGE in the sky yesterday morning, it turned out to be not much more than a pinhead in this shot. I guess shooting the sun is easier because it provides its own light. Not so with the moon.

That's all for this boring post. Maybe I shouldn't try to write at 4 a.m. LOL!

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