Thursday, August 5, 2010

Vive les touristes français!

This was definitely French Day at Afton Station. Eleven of our 27 visitors today were from France -- a family of five from Lyon (mom, dad, and three daughters), a couple from Nantes, and four friends from Lille. All were quite taken with the Citroen 2cv, for obvious reasons. But the French weren't the only foreign visitors. A vanload of seven friends from Milano, Italy also visited. At one point, both French and Italians were there at the same time. The above photo contains a few of each, I think. It got a bit confusing for a while. I speak a few words of French (yes, only a few words after years and years of French class -- shameful!), and I speak no Italian other than cooking terms. Even so, on Route 66 we are all friends so it really doesn't matter much.

There were domestic visitors today too, of course. They came from Hot Springs AR, Reading PA, Carthage MO, and Broadland VA. We even visited with a gentleman who labeled himself "homeless" although he is actually living in a horse trailer temporarily while moving from Michigan to California. Notice anything unique about this day? Not a single visitor from home state Oklahoma!

Ron M. spent the day with me at the Station, Betty W. visited for a while, Betty B. is home from her vacation and came to resupply her displays of wonderful crafts, Marly was there working most of the day, and David, also home from vacation, spend a couple of hours at the Station. It was a full house today.

We had heard of a very large motorcycle group from Spain (estimated 50-100) which was heading in our direction. We weren't sure if they planned to stop at Afton Station but we were hoping. We waited and waited and waited. When it seemed so late that there was little chance they were coming, we closed up and headed home. Shortly thereafter, we had a call on the cell from Marly saying they'd been spotted near his house (on Route 66 about 9 miles from Afton Station) and were pointed toward Afton. But by then it was too late. We couldn't possibly have driven back and been there in time to catch them. So now I'm hoping they never intended to come to Afton Station. Otherwise, I'd be feeling awfully guilty right now for not turning back.

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