Saturday, June 5, 2010

Blah day

What started out as a potentially great day ended up being kind of blah. I'm feeling bummed, but I think it's really just me. It wasn't a bad day. I am just in a bad mood.

The day began with a call from Chris at Vintage Iron Motorcycle Museum in Miami, alerting me that their Poker Run (which had been postponed in May due to rain) was to be held today, and because of some crossed signals, they hadn't notified those of us at the official stops in advance. No problem here. I was alone today at Afton Station, but I didn't think I'd have any trouble handling the crowds if the cyclists didn't mind waiting in line for a bit. Well, the lines never materialized. In the end, only 12 bikers from the Poker Run came to Afton Station, and since we were an official (mandatory) station, apparently the turnout for the activity was poor. Too bad for the nice people at Vintage Iron, too bad for the Red Cross (the charity benefitted by the Run), and too bad for me, as I was anticipating the chaos often caused by a Poker Run.

We also had 17 other visitors, of course. The nice people, all of whom were embarking on interesting journeys, came from Joplin MO, Minot ND, Cedar Falls IA, and Jay, Bartlesville, and Monkey Island, OK. A particularly nice group of travelers.

I think my bad mood arose from the large number of people who drove right past the Station without stopping. I must stop letting things like that destroy me. One of the largest motorcycle groups (foreign) I've ever seen drove right past. There must have been 40 or more bikes. A caravan of cool hot rods zoomed right past. And then, worst of all, a group of about 8 motorcycles pulled into our parking lot, arranged their bikes in a semi-circle, and posed for some rather professional photos with the Station as a background. When I went out to invite them in, they said they were "in a hurry" and zipped off without even a thank you for the background. Oh, well.

During my "down" time, I made a few new buttons. I haven't sold large buttons before, but have received some requests lately.
And while I'm complaining. . . a family of the most aggressive flies must have hatched overnight. These little guys were fierce! They would land on my lips when I was eating a carrot, flew into my eyes, and were a general nuisance. I dispatched about 3 or 4 of them with my trusty fly swatter, but there are more awaiting us tomorrow. Ugh!

Sorry for the pissy mood, but I guess everyone is entitled now and then. By tomorrow, the world will look rosy again!

Here's "my" field as it looked this morning. The corn is getting tall!

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