Saturday, May 8, 2010

Speed Blogging

I just got home, very late, tired. Therefore, I'll post a few comments and pictures here and elaborate on them tomorrow or Monday. It was a GIANT day at Afton Station, with 64 visitors, including 35 in the Ozark Studebaker Club that arrived at 4 p.m. We were the last stop on their Route 66 tour, in which they were giving prizes for the Studebakers that got the best gas mileage on the trip. Here are a couple of pictures; no explanations required. Just a lot of great cars.

Other visitors were from Pittsburgh KS, Minneapolis MN, Echusa Australia, Seymour IN, Nashville TN, Niagara Falls Canada, Dunkirk NY, Dusseldorf Germany, Olathe KS, Wales UK, and Miami, Tulsa, Wyandot and Duncan, OK.

This gentleman from France, who now lives in Canada, used to be a Citroen mechanic in France! He was astonished that we had one and he happily posed for this picture!

This woman's father worked for the D-X company. She was thrilled to see all the D-X memorabilia we had, and wanted her photo taken in our D-X jacket for her father.These kids from Wyandot, OK got guidance from their father and grandfather about pressing pennies.

Good night, and thanks to Betty W. for bringing me a beautiful wildflower bouquet (Indian Paintbrush and Clover) and to Ron M. for helping today in a million different ways and for being the photographer.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for Studebakers! Beautiful cars.

    Sure sounds like things are picking up for you. Could be a record summer...! Fingers crossed!
