Saturday, May 29, 2010

A new cart and an old bag

Afton Station was the recipient of two great donations recently. Last week, we were given this great old push cart! It's a beautiful thing, and it will hold tons and tons of cold drinks, ice cream, or anything else we wish to chill in quantity. It looks pretty nifty sitting outside of the Station, too!
And then today, Dean "Crazy Legs" Walker brought me a vintage radiator cooler bag! I've wanted one of these for ages. This one is in great shape and I plan to display it on the wall in the front room unless David co-opts it for the new showroom.
Two old bags and Dean

Nice day at Afton Station today. Ron M. came with me, and Betty W. stopped by briefly. Betty B. came and brought a whole tray of delicious deviled eggs because, as she observed, "What's Memorial Day weekend without deviled eggs?" She has a valid point there. LOL!

Other visitors were from White Wright TX, McAlester OK, Mesquite TX, Gravette AR, Bern Switzerland, St. Louis MO, Pryor OK, Wood Lake CA, Newton KS, and Afton OK. There were 28 in total. Michael Wheat, my Facebook Friend from Pryor, OK dropped in with his wife. There were several motorcycle tourists on this most perfect motorcycle day. The family from White Wright, TX were on a mission to take their son to St. Louis to meet his "online girlfriend" for the first time. Hope that went well!

Crazy Legs dropped in to give me the aforementioned water bag. We all sat outdoors for a while to enjoy the breeze. I didn't turn on the a/c today because it wasn't unbearably hot, as had been predicted.
P.S. Yesterday, after I left, Marly stayed on and greeted 14 more visitors. They came from Toronto Canada, Holland, Oklahoma City OK, Los Angeles CA, New York City, Pennsylvania, and Wichita, KS. Thanks so much, Marly!


  1. Dean is a great guy and I sure do miss him. He use to stop into my studio when it was located on Route 66 in Baxter Springs, Kansas (on a side note: the lime green color of the Body Shop in cars is a direct reference to my Baxter Springs Studio). Dean is beyond a shadow of a doubt one of the most down to earth people you would ever want to meet.

    -The GYPSY-
    Skin Art Creations Tattoo Emporium
    Independence, Kansas
    (620) 331-5938

  2. Oh, you know Dean too! I'm lucky to have the occasional help of both those guys at Afton Station. I hope you'll stop by soon, too!

  3. Dean and I are old aquantences. He is a very funny guy and definately knows his Route 66 lore!
