Saturday, April 17, 2010


When Ron M. and I left Tulsa for Afton on this gloomy, drizzly morning, I don't think we expected to have as great a day as we had! We had 47 visitors today! It's amazing how a full day like today seems to fly by, whereas a slow day is just that. . . a slow day. This one flew by like the wind.

Immediately after we opened, four cheery gentlemen from Gaule, Sweden came through the door. They are doing a full Chicago-to-L.A. Route 66 trip, but had taken a little side trip to Memphis to see Graceland -- an important pilgrimage for so many Europeans. They're a little concerned about getting back to Sweden in 11 days, as it will all depend on the dissemination of that gigantic volcanic cloud that's hanging over Europe.

The NW Arkansas Miata Club arrived next. This year, there were 14 snappy little Miata convertibles containing 27 people. I was impressed by this congenial group. They all seemed like such good friends. It turns out that they meet twice a month and take a cruise once a month, so they have lots of chances to get to know one another. Other car clubs should take note. These people are clearly good friends, not just people they see once or twice a year.
At the same time the Miata folks were here, some of the little kids from town came in to check out what was going on. That string of Miatas stretching for a whole block is an impressive sight.
And then, of course, there were all the other visitors. They arrived continually all day. They came from Bentonville AR, Wichita KS, Eugene OR, and Choctaw, Midwest City, Tahlequah, Miami, and Langley, OK. We ended the day with a first visit from the pastor of the 1st Baptist Church of Afton, who hasn't been able to visit previously due to caring for his disabled wife. He's a car collector himself and was most interested in seeing our collection.
The roof of Bassett's Grocery across the street collapsed, virtually destroying the interior of the building. This is such a sad development for the 1911 Pierce-Harvey Buggy Company building. It's VERY fortunate that the grocery is closed and no one was harmed in the collapse.
Tattoo Man called to report that he's feeling much better (just bored!) but will have to stay at the hospital for several more days while he's receiving intravenous antibiotics.

1 comment:

  1. What an outstanding day. Hope that means it will be a great season for you.
