Friday, March 5, 2010

Afton Station on Israeli Television

Some lovely visitors from Israel were guests at Afton Station last summer. One of the women is a TV reporter and she took this video for her station. They spent some time at Afton Station, as well as a number of other places across Route 66. You'll want to watch the whole thing (but if for some reason you just want to check out Afton Station, it can be found at approximately the 2:25 mark). I love it when Route 66 is recognized in other countries, and that's happening more and more lately. Incidentally, the video is narrated in Hebrew, but you'll still have no problem recognizing the places they visited. Thanks so much, Eyal! I hope you can come back soon!

1 comment:

  1. That was good.

    Seems strange, though, that there seems to be as much or more interest in 66 overseas than right here.
