Tuesday, February 9, 2010

What's that???

That yellow spot you see over the mirror in the above photo is the rising sun! Yes, the sun! It's been a while since we've seen it around here, and it's nice that it hung around all day. It's still really cold, but that's ok. Seeing the sun fixes everything.

I celebrated the sunshine with another one of those "I'm Never Eating One Of These Again" omelets at Clanton's in Vinita. They're huge and awesome and rich and they leave me groggy all morning. I'm never going to eat one again. No, really. Well, maybe. While there, I got a wad of their business cards from the owner so I can hand them out at Afton Station. See? It was a business call!

Today was extremely long and boring at the Station. There were three visitors, two guys from Neosho, MO who were very interested in the cars, then another guy who just wandered in. I think he was lost. Although he did look around a bit, he didn't seem very interested in much of anything other than how to get to Grove. David was there working all day, so I did have someone to talk to, and that was nice. I really can't wait until the tourists start arriving.

1 comment:

  1. Yesterday it was sunny here, too. After work when I got home I bundled my son, Hunter, up in a coat and we went for a walk.

    Sure felt good to get out.
